Month: January 2019


Recipe | Oatmeal & Raisin Raw Balls

After a month of being back on my vegan diet, I feel so much better – physically and mentally. I’ve also been a lot more conscious of what I’m eating – after a little over-indulgence at Christmas and some less than perfect eating habits in the second half of last year, I’ve gotten back to my plant-based, clean...

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A room of my own

I spent some time over Christmas making my room truly into a room of my own. I moved into the Den downstairs last summer, so that all four kiddos could have their own rooms, but I never really felt comfortable in the room. I spent the last couple of months of last year sleeping with Beastie...

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Dear Bean – Week Nineteen

Dear Bean Another week ticked off, another week closer to meeting you. People keep asking if I have an idea of whether you’re a boy or girl, and really I don’t! I don’t mind either way – though your sisters and brother cannot wait to find out! I think I’m holding on until I know,...

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Three Good Things

It’s been a gloomy, wet weekend here – but sometimes I love a weekend like that. It’s been the perfect excuse to cosy up at home, do a little more of my house organising, watch a movie or two with the kiddos, read my book, catch up on some Uni work, bake some cakes and...

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Sparking joy in my home

So it seems I have gotten sucked into watching Marie Kondo’s ‘Tidying Up’ series on Netflix. The whole KonMari method has passed me by the last few years, I’ve never had any inclination to pick up one of her books. Then I saw what seemed like every single person I follow on Social Media talking...

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Dear Bean – Week Eighteen

Dear Bean Eighteen weeks – can’t believe how close I am to being halfway through this pregnancy! Time is flying by {a little too fast for my liking}. I’m feeling pretty good, lots of energy and happiness. The kiddos are still debating whether they want a girl or boy – so far it’s a 50/50...

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