☆ Hi I'm Polly! ☆
I’ve been blogging here for the last fifteen years, sharing my life as I raise my family in North Wales. It’s followed the highs and lows of life, sharing births, day-to-day happenings, holidays, homeschooling, my divorce, single parenting, and so much more.
I have found that through writing, I’ve rediscovered who I am. I found that in being open and honest, I was connecting with so many other women.
My honesty has opened a whole new world. So many messages of thanks for speaking out so plainly. I began to see that this was what I was meant to do. That while I was going through a hard time, being so open was helping others.
So much more water has gone under the bridge since I first wrote here. I have learned so many more lessons, and have grown even stronger. As has my desire to help others.
For too long I lived small, lived quiet. Trying to not take up too much space. Never quite feeling like I was ‘enough’, never feeling like I fit in. I had the victim card and I didn’t know how to get rid of it.
No more. No more being small, or quiet, or caring what others think. I don’t care about fitting in, or worrying about whether I am enough.
I work as a postnatal doula and a life coach, encouraging and supporting other women to live their best lives. To quit people-pleasing. To stop doing what they think they ‘should do’ and start doing what they want to.