Month: January 2019


Simple ways to celebrate Imbolc

While the world around me is still covered in snow, tomorrow marks Imbolc – a Celtic celebration of life emerging after the winter. It’s the perfect time to celebrate the world reawakening, when the kiddos and I go for walks outside we can see flowers beginning to appear from the earth, and new buds growing on...

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Utilising the Space of a Child’s Box Room

Let’s face it, you, as parents, deserve the master bedroom, and it is only right that you give your child the smallest bedroom (uh, I mean, is that a little selfish or just standard?) Anyway, it is important that you utilise the floor space in your child’s bedroom to give them plenty of room to...

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A dream house makeover

We’ve been in our house for almost four years now {!!} – how time flies! While it’s only a rental, we’re lucky that we can pretty much make the place our own. So we’ve done some painting and put things on the wall – all the things that make a house feel like a home....

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Dear Bean – Gender Reveal!!

We’ve been counting down to our twenty week scan since December, desperate to find out what flavour we were having this time! The kids have been talking of nothing else for weeks – and had been laying down their bets – Beastie and Lola wanted a boy, Kiki and Baya a girl. So finally, yesterday...

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Dear Bean – Week Twenty

HALFWAY BABY! Having known I was pregnant since I was four weeks gone, I already feel like I have been pregnant forever! Still, we’re finally at the halfway marker, and now we’ll be really counting down to Bean’s arrival! I’m still feeling good, I got to hear the heartbeat last week at the midwife’s, and...

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Three Good Things

Good morning! We had such a lovely weekend, that I didn’t mind {too much} when my alarm woke me up this morning! The sun is shining this morning, and we’ve been busy working all morning. I love weekends that feel like a perfect balance of relaxing and getting things done. Saturdays are always pretty busy...

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Friday I’m in Love

Oh, Friday – I can almost smell the weekend! I have plans for some DIY on Saturday, then a lovely family day on Sunday – not sure yet if we’ll go out, or just have a lazy day at home! It’s been a busy but good week {if a little too cold for my liking}....

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