Tag: motherhood


Those tricky toddler days

Toddlers. I’m sure there are a thousand memes about toddlers, tantrums and surviving them. I’ve done these years 4 times already… though no two children are ever the same. I’m definitely a different parent to the one I was when I first became a Mama. Far more relaxed, far more knowledgeable and far more understanding....

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mum guilt, motherhood, single parenting, enchanted pixie, polly jemima, time out, self care


Mum Guilt – let’s talk about it

I was sat with friends the other day, chatting about this and that and everything in between. We ended up talking about taking time out/off/for ourselves, and how everyone has this huge mum guilt when they do somethign that is solely for them. It got me thinking about how Mum guilt and how it shaped...

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mother, daughter, son


Now I’m the Mama of an adult…

Saturday saw my eldest daughter turn 18. 18!!! I managed to raise an actual adult. As I sat writing her card the night before her birthday, I was struck with so much emotion. My baby is a grown-up. The one who made me a Mama has grown up when I wasn’t even looking. They tell...

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Be kind to yourself Mama

One thing I’ve learned over my sixteen years of parenting is that I have to remember to be kinder to myself. Especially when I’m pregnant and have just had a baby. Society being as it is, we seem to think that being pregnant or having a newborn shouldn’t have an impact on our lives. We...

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Slowing Down

I’ve been fighting a battle with myself the last couple of weeks, getting annoyed that I can’t physically keep up the pace, and also that mentally I just haven’t got the motivation or the will to keep on going. I’m tired. I’m 36 weeks pregnant, a single Mum of four, with a house to run...

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Those Everyday Moments

It was late afternoon, there was fresh Banana Bread not long out of the oven {I constantly seem to be baking banana bread, one because we always end up with a couple of rogue over-ripe bananas, and two because whenever I make a loaf it gets eaten in five minutes flat}, I was starting to prep...

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