Dear Bean – Week Nineteen
Dear Bean
Another week ticked off, another week closer to meeting you. People keep asking if I have an idea of whether you’re a boy or girl, and really I don’t! I don’t mind either way – though your sisters and brother cannot wait to find out!
I think I’m holding on until I know, and I’ve seen you again, then I can start getting things together that I will need.
I’ve been thinking about names, and have a couple of pretty set ideas in mind – but I’m keeping them to myself for the time being. The girls keep coming up with suggestions, and then getting cross at each other because they don’t like what someone else has suggested! So, I think I’ll be doing the name picking alone.
My belly is definitely a pregnant belly now, my jeans fit as long as I use a hair bobble to give me a little breathing space ;) I’ve never been one for maternity clothes, except a pair or two of maternity jeans. Give me long tank tops and flowy cardigans and I’m a happy bunny.
Still seems kind of surreal that they’ll actually be a little baby in the house again soon – it’s been a while since I had a newborn! I’m trying to make the most of all the moments I get to myself at the minute, soaking up the alone time when it happens! Though I’ll have two teens in the house this time – so hopefully will have babysitters on hand {or at least cup of tea and sandwich makers!}
You can see previous weeks posts HERE
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