Category: BLOG


memoriegenie – keeping families connected

For the last couple of years, my girls and I have been using a WhatsApp group to chat and share photos, questions, etc with each other. It works pretty well for keeping us all connected, especially now that my eldest has moved away to live at University and isn’t home for much of the year....

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A delightful Zine for Kids

I’ve known the amazing Dotty Delightful for many years, and have long been a fan of her beautiful artwork and the positivity she spreads online. I’ve several of the zines that she has made – Circle of Witches and her Seasonal Zines. I love them so much – they remind me of my teens and...

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Mindful Monday

I’m sat writing this in the early hours of Tuesday morning, as yesterday ended up so busy and I felt a little frazzled by the end of the day. Learning to give myself grace when I need it, to allow myself time and space to just be instead of trying to push on and do...

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Life, lately

I thought it was about time I popped into this space for a little catch up. I’ve not been feeling very called to write lately, neither here nor on my Insta. I don’t seem to have any words or the urge to talk about me, how I’m feeling, what we’re doing… It’s been a time...

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Quit being so hard on yourself

I found myself the other day being annoyed at myself. For being ‘behind’. For comfort eating. For lacking mojo. For feeling a little low. For a long list of other things too. Then I took a moment. Breathed deep. And let it all go. How many times do we beat ourselves up for failing? For...

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Welcoming in 2022 and my guiding word

Happy New Year! I’m feeling so grateful to be welcoming in another New Year. Over the chaos of our Yule time celebrations, I managed to carve out a little time for myself to say goodbye to 2021, and to set some intentions for the coming year. Last year, personally, was a good one. There were...

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