Three Good Things

It’s been a gloomy, wet weekend here – but sometimes I love a weekend like that. It’s been the perfect excuse to cosy up at home, do a little more of my house organising, watch a movie or two with the kiddos, read my book, catch up on some Uni work, bake some cakes and just enjoy not having to rush around. I am kind of hoping the weather will pick up a little, I know it’s still midwinter, but oh boy am I ready for spring! I am yearning for some sunshine and blue skies, days spent in the garden and long evenings when we can go for a walk after dinner. I can always dream, right?!

I feel like I’m bursting with ideas, but without the time to actually put any into action. Trying to remind myself of my intention for the year, and that all I have to do is start sowing the seeds and watering them. There is no rush, all will come good in its time. Hard when you’re an impatient Aries like me, and want to do it all, and do it now.

Still, for now, here are my #threegoodthings for this week.

* Daffodils – I popped into M&S on Saturday to grab a couple of bits for lunch, and spied daffodils – and nothing says spring like them! They’re sitting on the mantlpiece in my living room, while I impatiently wait for them to open up!

* The sound of rain ~ I woke up the other morning to the pittar patter of rain on my windows. It would be easy to think ‘ugh – rain’, but instead I choose to think about how warm and snug I was in the bed, with Beastie snuggled up beside me, and how pretty the rain sounded tapping on the windows. It’s all about how you look at things

* Morning Baths ~ they always feel indulgent, a bath full of bubbles first thing in the morning! In truth, my en suite is freezing it has no radiator} so the thought of jumping in the shower isn’t overly appealing{!

What are your #threegoodthings – I’d love to hear them!

Here’s my button if you’d like to join in and blog your gratitude list!

Three Good Things with Enchanted Pixie

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