A dream house makeover

We’ve been in our house for almost four years now {!!} – how time flies! While it’s only a rental, we’re lucky that we can pretty much make the place our own. So we’ve done some painting and put things on the wall – all the things that make a house feel like a home. I love our house, while it’s not perfect, it’s not far off and it really does have what we need – mainly space!

With high ceilings and big rooms, the house is light and airy.  Large windows mean we have lots of natural light coming in, and there are five bedrooms, two bathrooms, another loo, a utility room, lots of hallway space and two reception rooms to boot. With four out of the five of us at home 24/7 that room is essential to stop us driving each other crazy!

I’m in the middle of a little bit of DIY before the baby comes, repainting all the woodwork in the house, painting a few walls – little makeover jobs that just freshen the house up! If money were no object and it was my house, then there are a few jobs I’d love to tackle to really make the place look how I would like!

* Laminate Flooring

The first thing I’d do is lay down some laminate flooring in the main living areas. The kitchen and utility are tiled currently, which is OK but they chip so easily! I’d love wood effect laminate through the whole of the downstairs as it makes cleaning so much easier than carpet. With lots of kids and cats running around, the floors get messy, there always seems to be something being spilt or someone coming inside in muddy shoes! I’d love flooring that is easy to mop and clean.

* Walk-in shower

We have two bathrooms [one is my en suite] and a separate loo. Ideally, I’d love to take out the single loo and make that room a walk-in shower – which would also mean I could change the bath in the main bathroom for a jacuzzi bath! I would LOVE a really amazing shower, one with jets on the sides as well as overhead.

* New Patio Doors

The patio doors in our playroom are ancient, wooden, falling to pieces and only single glazed. It would be so good to switch them up for some new uPVC ones that aren’t rotting and actually keep the heat in!

* Built-in appliances in the utility room

I’d love to give the utility room a makeover – build in some units to incorporate the fridge, freezer, washer and dryer and maybe add a dishwasher too!

* Add a conservatory

Our playroom opens on to a small patio, that we don’t really use as we use the bigger one that fits our table and chairs on. I’d love to add a small conservatory in the space, giving us another living space to spend time in, we used to have a den but I made that into my bedroom last summer to give the kiddos all their own rooms.

What would you love to change about your house?


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