Dear Bean – Gender Reveal!!

We’ve been counting down to our twenty week scan since December, desperate to find out what flavour we were having this time! The kids have been talking of nothing else for weeks – and had been laying down their bets – Beastie and Lola wanted a boy, Kiki and Baya a girl. So finally, yesterday we got to go for the scan, then I made them wait until we got home, and Lola was back from school to reveal whether they were getting a sister or a brother…..

I made two cakes at the weekend… a blue and a pink, so I’d be ready to go! The kiddos were very excited to cut the cake to find out if it was a boy or a girl!

Everyone was happy it’s a boy – even Kiki and Baya! I really didn’t mind either way, but I think a boy is nice – it gives Beastie a little comrade and balances out the numbers slightly! Plus there are enough hormones in the house already!

1 Comment

  1. McKenzie Allyshia

    February 18, 2019 at 15:26

    Oh congratulations! Boys are so much fun ♥

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