Month: January 2018


Three Good Things

Happy Monday! I’m kicking off a new series on the blog today, one of my goals for this year is to keep a daily gratitude journal. For the last two weeks, I’ve been making a list of ten things I’m thankful for every day in my journal. I thought I’d let it spill over into this...

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Happy Veganversary to me!

One whole year of being Vegan! My decision to go Vegan last year was a sudden one. I’ve been vegetarian on and off {though mostly on} since I was 10, eating meat when I first got together with my ex-husband, when I was pregnant with my second child {I craved it constantly}, and then for...

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My goals for 2018

  There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle”   I’d intended to put together my list of goals for this year before 2017 drew its final breath. That wasn’t to be, however, and I finally found time...

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Life, lately

A week into the new year already, our first week was pretty hectic but in a good way. We came home from the New Year weekend away spent with friends, to a week full of friends visiting. It was a lovely end to the holidays, I managed to sneak in some tidying and organising too...

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Choosing a guiding word for 2018

“Where you invest your love, you invest your life.”  I have chosen a soul word to focus on each year for several years now- I think this is the eighth year in a row that I’ve picked one. A word to use as a mantra for the coming year. Gentler than resolutions, a word can...

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Life Lessons from 2017

2017 turned out to be one hell of a year. I think it was probably my most transformative year of my life. I’ve learned so much about myself, dug deep, waded through the mud, figured out a lot of stuff, worked through some tricky things and came out the other side.

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