My goals for 2018



There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle”


I’d intended to put together my list of goals for this year before 2017 drew its final breath. That wasn’t to be, however, and I finally found time at the weekend to put pen to paper and get the list out of my head. 2017 was a year of blindly stumbling through, of not really having a set plan or any goals other than just surviving. yet survive I did, and I quite honestly have never felt better. The depression and anxiety are still there in the background, but I’m in control these days. I feel lighter than I have in a long time, and stronger too. Getting through the last year taught me so much about who I am and what I am capable of.

I am excited for this new year, it feels so full of hope and possibilities. I don’t set resolutions, much preferring goals to work towards. My list for this year is long and varied, but each and everyone fills me with excitement and  I cannot wait to start crossing things off!


My goals for 2018

* Learn to drive
I am determined to pass my test this year, the freedom of being able to drive will make such a huge difference to my {and the kiddos} life. I’ve thought about moving, and it’s something I may still do – but I want to learn to drive first, one so I can decide if I still have the urge to move once I have the freedom to go where I want, when I want, and also so if we do move we can move anywhere we like rather than choosing somewhere based on access to public transport.

* Take part in a 5k {and then a 10k}
I’ve worked so hard on my fitness this past year, and I wanted to do this last year but didn’t have the confidence. So this year will be the year I run a 5k and then a 10k {eeep!}

* Work through #BBG this year
Along the same lines as the above goal, after muddling my way through getting in shape last year, I just downloaded Kayla Itsines SWEAT app. I’m excited to have a consistent programme to work through and after three weeks I’m already feeling the benefit of it!

* Read at least 12 fiction books
While I read lots last year, a lot of it was non-fiction, self-help and inspirational type books. I love getting lost in a good novel, so am challenging myself to read at least one every month this year.

* Keep a daily gratitude journal
The art of being grateful has such a huge impact on life, how we feel about it and ourselves, and how we see the world. I’m currently re-reading The Magic, for the first time in five years, and the first task it has you do is to start writing a list of 10 things you are grateful for every morning. The more I give thanks for the good in my life, the more good things I am seeing.

* Have one social media free day each week
When my depression and anxiety were at their worst last year, there were times when I would log off social media for days at a time, as it was so overwhelming. While I don’t want to give it up entirely, one because I love it and two because my livelihood depends on it, having one day each week ‘offline’ seems a good middle ground.

*Step out of my comfort zone
I’ve started pushing myself to step outside my comfort zone, and do the things that scare me. It’s all to easy to stick where it’s comfortable and tell ourselves ‘oh I can’t do x, y or z’. I’ve come to realise that when something scares me, I really need to do it!

* Be debt free
I don’t have a massive debt but I want to clear what I do have this year so that I can change our lives for the better.

* Paint more
I love painting, and whilst I may not be incredible it makes me feel good. That’s good enough reason for me!

* Vlog again
Yikes! This one scares me – but seeing as I’m pushing myself out of my comfort zone, then I really want to start vlogging again this year. I hated it at first, then slowly began to find it bearable.

* Drink more water
While I gave up caffeine a year ago, I still drank far too much {decaff} tea and coffee and nowhere near enough H2O.

* Write a book {and publish it!}
A longtime dream of mine, I actually wrote 40,000 words of a book last year as well as a mini-book. So now I’m editing them through and will possible self-publish at least one by the end of the year.

* Learn to crochet
I can knit, and it always bothers me I can’t see to master crochet – my heart is set on being able to make one of those fabulous granny square blankets!

* Spend more time with friends
After years of keeping people at arms length when I was married, this last year I’ve spent so much more time with friends, both old and new. I’ve loved it – nothing beats having a houseful of people! So this year, I’m planning on much more of that.

* Visit 6 places I have never been
It’s easy to get bogged down in day-to-day life, and when we do go out, we seem to go to the same places over and over again – so I’m hoping to visit {at least} six places I’ve never been before this year.

* Say ‘YES’ more
It’s funny – because when you read New Year resolution posts they often tell you to say no more, to turn things down and have less on. But I’ve spent years saying no to things I really wanted to do, out of fear or lack of confidence. So this will be the year of YES.

* Write a letter every month to somebody
I used to have several pen pals and loved sending and receiving real letters. An email just isn’t quite the same as getting a handwritten letter, is it?!

* Do a daily plank challenge
From 30 seconds of plank almost killing me a year ago, I can now manage almost five minutes. Planking is such a great exercise, and I can feel the difference it has made to me.

* Spend more time in nature
When the girls were little, there was barely a week went by that we weren’t out in nature at least once. Somehow we’ve gotten to ‘busy’ and it doesn’t happen nearly as often as I would like. Nothing clears my head quite the same as getting away from town, and out into the woods.


What goals do you have for 2018?


  1. Katie @mummydaddyme

    January 11, 2018 at 13:21

    I think these are really great goals Polly, I saw them on instagram and a lot of them resonated with me. I want to read more, run more, do a plank challenge and say yes more. Let’s hope we can both stick to them more in 2018. x

  2. Gill

    January 11, 2018 at 15:58

    These are BRILLIANT goals! I might borrow some of these for me – especially the reading x

  3. Rachel

    January 11, 2018 at 21:37

    Sounds like a busy but great year! I second getting outside/nature more, it’s on my list too. x

  4. Lottie | Oyster & Pearl

    January 22, 2018 at 12:45

    Love this list. Are they in order of priority? Looking forward to hearing how you get on x

  5. Keto Recipes

    March 27, 2018 at 07:38

    Good luck!
    It must be fun for sure.

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