Life, lately

life, lately

A week into the new year already, our first week was pretty hectic but in a good way. We came home from the New Year weekend away spent with friends, to a week full of friends visiting. It was a lovely end to the holidays, I managed to sneak in some tidying and organising too – finally getting a few things listed that have been cluttering my office for a year {or more}. With Christmas packed away and the house back to normal, it feels like a whole new start. To me, it always feels like once Christmas is done, it should be spring already. I’m itching to spend time in the garden again, though I can see signs of life popping up out there when I do venture out.

The girls groups all start back this week, as do a couple of our home ed groups so it’s back to our usual routines – back to busy evenings with various kiddos at various clubs at various times…. it gets tricky trying to juggle feeding everyone and getting people to the right places at the right times. I think our week will be punctuated by a couple of visits from friends which should ease us back into normal life a little easier.

life, lately

I unplugged over Christmas, took a few photos but mostly left all devices alone and was just present – living in the moment rather than seeing it through a screen trying to capture it. We had such a lovely Christmas, chilled out and fun – lots of family time, watching movies, eating chocolate {I got some delicious vegan chocolates for Christmas!} and just enjoying each others company.

Beastie turned three just after Christmas {THREE! How on earth is that possible already?!}, he had a few gifts, a dinosaur cake and lunch out at Pizza Hut. He is also insistent that he is four and not three…! He has been asking for MONTHS for a blue rabbit, a real blue rabbit – well,  I couldn’t quite manage a real one, but I knitted him a cute blue bunny, complete with a few clothes – he seemed to be pleased with it, and not too disappointed it wasn’t real.

life, lately

Asides from that, we’ve fitted in some crafting time, lots of goal planning and dreaming of how we want our 2018 to look. It’s shaping up to be a fantastic year ?

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