Category: ~

orange slice on top of open book next to a pen


2024 Intentions and my word of the year

A month into the new year, and with the celebrations of Imbolc, I can feel myself coming alive again. The lengthening days and the early signs of spring are wakening me from my winter hibernation. I can feel the stirrings of hope building at a new year ahead, all the adventures and fun I can...

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Winter Self Care Tips

The long, dark nights and freezing cold days of winter make me yearn to curl up in my bed and stay there until spring! If it wasn’t for the fact the kiddos would get cabin fever {and possibly I would too} I’d actually consider just not leaving the house for a few month from now....

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A slow January

Twenty days into the New Year, and I feel as though it should just be beginning. With the end of Mercury Retrograde, this feels like it is the real beginning of the new year. After the stress and illness that featured heavily in the run up to Christmas, I made a conscious decision that January...

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Trusting the process

“Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, anything is possible.”  Mandy Hale The last couple of weeks, it is as though a switch has been flipped. I feel lighter, freer, happier, content. After almost a year of feeling like I was wading through mud, it’s a relief...

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A lesson in letting go

After last week’s do-nothing day, I’d expected to get back to our usual hectic pace of life. We had a full calendar ahead and I was excited about days out, a trip to Cardiff for a gymnastics competition coffee with friends and lots of other things we had planned. Then I woke up Saturday morning...

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A ‘Do Nothing Day’

How often do you allow yourself to do nothing? When you’re ill? Or just worn out? Or do you push yourself to keep going? I’ve always been terrible at doing nothing. I think part of it is anxiety – that constant need to be busy so that I don’t have to listen to it. Even...

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