Tag: single parenting

mother, daughter, son


Now I’m the Mama of an adult…

Saturday saw my eldest daughter turn 18. 18!!! I managed to raise an actual adult. As I sat writing her card the night before her birthday, I was struck with so much emotion. My baby is a grown-up. The one who made me a Mama has grown up when I wasn’t even looking. They tell...

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On doing it all

The other day, I posted a photo on my Instagram. Alongside it, I talked about filling my own cup, in taking time to myself, and doing things that make me feel good. Running, or yoga, early nights, long, hot baths. Somebody replied asking me ‘How do I do it all?”. The short answer is I...

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Time for a festive break

It’s been a funny year, in truth, it’s been a funny few years. One hell of a rollercoaster ride that is for sure. As 2019 draws to a close I’m feeling more settled and happier than ever. This time last year I was in the final throws of extracting myself from an abusive relationship, and...

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Life, lately

Hi there! I have a brief five minutes, so thought I would pop in here and share a little. Life lately has been hectic. There isn’t much breathing space and certainly no Mama space. There seems to have been at least one of us ill for weeks now – I guess it’s that time of...

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The fourth trimester

Just like that, we’re out of the fourth trimester. These three months have flown by, yet at the same time some days have felt like twenty, and there have been moments when I wondered how we’d make it through. But we have. And we have thrived, When I had my first baby, 16 years ago,...

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Looking back

September the 11th will always mark the day that my world fell apart on me. I woke up this morning, and timehop showed me a blog post I wrote two years ago. It’s kinda crazy to think that it’s been three whole years since the day I found out my marriage wasn’t what I thought...

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