Category: ADVICE


Life lessons from Gardening

May is here, and it feels like finally, finally, new life is here. Winter felt long and cold this year, and spring slow to get off the ground. In the past couple of weeks, new life has truly begun emerging, those first tiny specks of green that poked their heads through the soil are at...

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5 tips to turn around a ‘down day’

We all have ‘those days’ – the ones when nothing seems to go right, when you are overwhelmed and overwrought, when you wake up with a serious case of the ‘mehs’. For years I’d let them control me, I’d see them as a sign that my depression/anxiety were ramping back up, I’d give in to...

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A ‘Do Nothing Day’

How often do you allow yourself to do nothing? When you’re ill? Or just worn out? Or do you push yourself to keep going? I’ve always been terrible at doing nothing. I think part of it is anxiety – that constant need to be busy so that I don’t have to listen to it. Even...

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