Tag: Self Care


Reasons Why You Need to Maintain Your Oral Health

Maintaining oral health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, yet it is often overlooked until serious issues arise. In Tennessee, where health metrics frequently lag behind other states, the importance of oral hygiene takes on an added significance. Good dental practices not only prevent diseases specific to the mouth but also play a vital...

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November Journal Prompts

“The house was very quiet, and the fog—we are in November now—pressed against the windows like an excluded ghost.” E.M. Forster A little late sharing these, the first two weeks of November have flown by! It’s been pretty wet and cold here, pretty miserable and we’ve been holed up at home far more than I...

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Monthly Mindfulness Challenge

This month’s mindfulness challenge Mindful Breathing Something that you can do anywhere and anytime. Just for one minute, do nothing but focus on your breathing. Begin by slowly breathing in through your nose, and slowly out through your mouth. One cycle of breath should take around 6 seconds. Let go of any worries, to-do lists,...

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Small pockets of time

Breathe. Sometimes I need to remind myself to stop for a minute and just breathe. Days can get overwhelming, and as we rush from one task to the next, we forget to slow down and allow ourselves a moment or two. For those with kids in school, it’s back to the old routine this week....

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Winter Self Care Tips

The long, dark nights and freezing cold days of winter make me yearn to curl up in my bed and stay there until spring! If it wasn’t for the fact the kiddos would get cabin fever {and possibly I would too} I’d actually consider just not leaving the house for a few month from now....

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A ‘Do Nothing Day’

How often do you allow yourself to do nothing? When you’re ill? Or just worn out? Or do you push yourself to keep going? I’ve always been terrible at doing nothing. I think part of it is anxiety – that constant need to be busy so that I don’t have to listen to it. Even...

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migraines, honor your body, intuition, self care, self love, wellness blog, lifestly blog,


Listening to my body

All week long I’ve had a migraine. Not a really bad one, thankfully, just a little one niggling in the background. Finally today, I think {HOPE} that it has finally gone. At first I was really annoyed, and then I realised it was a sign from my body that I wasn’t loving it enough. I...

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