6 Guided Journals to Help You Prioritize Your Mental Health

Let’s face it, life can feel like a constant spin of the roulette wheel online – a whirlwind of uncertainties, challenges, and sometimes, unexpected wins. But unlike the best roulette online games where you can walk away (hopefully) a victor, neglecting your mental health can have lasting consequences. In today’s fast-paced world, prioritizing mental well-being...

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The Happy List #17

Almost a month has passed since I really came on here to write. In giving myself space for healing, I’ve just not had the capacity to write anything. I’ve let go of what isn’t essential right now. Mum duties always take precedence, and it leaves little for ‘Polly’. Focusing on setting boundaries, doing what’s best...

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person putting coin in a piggy bank


5 Practical Tips to Navigate the Cost of Living Crisis

As the cost of living continues to rise, many individuals and families find themselves grappling with financial strain. From soaring housing prices to escalating grocery bills, navigating through this economic landscape can be daunting. However, there are practical steps you can take to alleviate some of the financial pressure and stretch your budget further. Explore...

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