Tag: oren sage malachi davies


Happy First Birthday Oren Sage Malachi

And just like that…. Oren is one! I swear this has been the fastest year of my life! ONE – we’re all still trying to get our head around how our tiny baby is a whole year old already. We’ve had so much fun, and made so many memories. He’s been walking for a couple...

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Oren Sage Malachi – Eleven Month Update

Eleven Months! Yikes – that birthday is jsut around the corner! It’s looking likely to be a much quieter birthday celebration than I had hoped/planned for, but we’ll make it special none the less. Oh Oren – he is such a happy guy. He’s so clever and interested in evverything, you can see every little...

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Oren Sage Malachi – Ten month update

Happy Ten Months Oren baby. I cannot believe how fast these months have gone, my tiny little baby is vanishing before my eyes, and being replaced with a toddler. It’s so fun to watch you learn and grow every day. He’s pretty much walking around all the time now, he can climb the stairs and...

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Oren Sage Malachi – Nine Month Update

Oh my days… how is he nine months old?! Crazyness I’ll tell you. What can I say? He is still my little kangaroo baby, doesn’t really like being away from me, or not in full-body contact 24/7. That’s hard sometimes, but he’s my last baby so really, I’m just soaking it up. He’s growing so...

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