Eleven Months! Yikes – that birthday is jsut around the corner! It’s looking likely to be a much quieter birthday celebration than I had hoped/planned for, but we’ll make it...
Happy Ten Months Oren baby. I cannot believe how fast these months have gone, my tiny little baby is vanishing before my eyes, and being replaced with a toddler. It’s...
Oh my days… how is he nine months old?! Crazyness I’ll tell you. What can I say? He is still my little kangaroo baby, doesn’t really like being away from...
Happy Eight Months! Time is flying far too fast, and he is getting so big! He’s not quite mobile, but pulling himself up a lot, and if you leave him...
Happy Half Birthday little man! I honestly cannot believe you have been here for half a year already, it has flown so fast, and yet I cannot imagine a world...
I promised myself that this pregnancy, I wouldn’t expect him to arrive early, yet the last three weeks I was so impatient. I was tired and achy and just wanted...
Three Weeks! Why does time go so fast?! I’m trying hard to savour every minute of these newborn days for the final time. I can see him changing every day....
Happy two weeks Earthside Oren! These two weeks have whizzed by so fast. We’ve jumped back into life with a newborn with absolutely no problems, it has been far easier...
And then he was here ♥ Oren Sage Malachi Davies was born on Thursday 20th June, at 12.21am after four hours of labour. He weighed 9lb 3 oz {not quite...