Oren Sage Malachi – 8 Month Update

Happy Eight Months! Time is flying far too fast, and he is getting so big! He’s not quite mobile, but pulling himself up a lot, and if you leave him sitting somewhere he can shuffle quite a bit to get where he wants to be. He wants to be on his feet, holding fingers and walking around all day long.

Still no teeth here! I love his gummy smile, and I’m going to miss it when his teeth finally come in. Sleep… well, what can I say? He’s definitely not my best sleeper! He’s usually in bed for half nine, and will generally sleep until around 2am in his sleepyhead pod {thats on my bed}, then he’ll come and cuddle up with me. he’s been a bit poorly on and off the last couple of weeks, and he’s in leap 6 so we’ve had some restless nights! He still naps 3 times a day, half an hour mornign and late afternoon, and a good hour or so after lunch.

Food – this boy loves to eat! He eats whatever we eat, curry seems to be his favourite by far. It’s usually porridge and fruit for breakfast, lunch he’ll have finger foods, but often a little bowl of soup or pasta too, then a portion of whatever we’re having for dinner. And if he sees anyone else eating, well he’ll shout until they give him some too!

He babbles away now, there’s a definite Mama there, and a Lola too – though that comes for all the other kiddos at the minute! He love our dog and cats, splashing in water, playing in the ball pool and sitting on the bedroom windowsill when he wakes up to see what going on.

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