Month: April 2017


Some thoughts on a month of sobriety

I debated letting this marker go unnoticed and unannounced. Because a month – well, it doesn’t seem like much does it? 30 {or so} little days. And with the months flying by, I wasn’t sure that managing a month with no alcohol was even such a big deal. But then I realised that to me, 30 days...

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Spring cleaning our diet

I’ll be the first to admit that the last six months there have been a few too many chocolate bars, and more nights where oven chips featured than I’d care for. I’m cutting myself some slack – for it’s been a turbulent few months, and we’ve made it through the other side, and at times, ensuring...

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Bhindi Recipes: Okra Dishes In Indian Style

Okra in India is well known as “Bhindi” (Hindi translation); it is also known to people here as ‘Lady Finger’ and is grown extensively in India. It is versatile in nutrient values, with rich content of dietary fibers, Vitamin A, C and K, anti-oxidants, potassium, magnesium, iron zinc calcium, and beta-carotene. It eases bowel functions...

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Recipe | Vegan Cauliflower Pizza Base

Pizza. So good right? It’s one thing I’ve occasionally missed since going vegan and giving up bread. Not massively, but once in a while I crave that tasty, comfort of a good slice of pizza. I’ve seen cauliflower bases floating around for a while, and always dismissed them. But lately, I’ve been eating cauliflower couscous...

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Happy Days – a spring playlist

We’re back into our ‘normal’ routines this week after a hectic Easter Holidays. While homeschooling doesn’t have to follow school holidays, and we don’t stick to their set dates, with one child at school, we find that breaking from most of our studies while she’s off suits us best these days. That said, we’ve kept...

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Friday Finds

FRI-YAY! Hope you’ve all had a good week? It’s been a fun, but busy one here. I’ve really enjoyed these past couple of weeks with Miss Lola off from school – we’ll be sad to see her go back on Tuesday! Life’s been settling into a good routine here lately, the five of us together...

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Searching for Rainbows

‘You just do it. You force yourself to get up. You force yourself to put one foot before the other, and God damn it, you refuse to let it get to you. You fight. You cry. You curse. Then you go about the business of living. That’s how I’ve done it. There’s no other way.’...

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