Recipe | Vegan Cauliflower Pizza Base

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Pizza. So good right? It’s one thing I’ve occasionally missed since going vegan and giving up bread. Not massively, but once in a while I crave that tasty, comfort of a good slice of pizza. I’ve seen cauliflower bases floating around for a while, and always dismissed them. But lately, I’ve been eating cauliflower couscous in place of grains so the idea of using it for a pizza base didn’t seem so crazy anymore! I tried it out last week, and honeslty? It was delicious! Don’t expect a dough-y pizza base, it was more knife and fork food than finger food but it really tasted amazingly good, it’s low calorie, super healthy and incredibly filling. I’ll be making this again for sure!


1 small cauliflower {mine weighed around 500g}

2 vegan eggs {I use THIS – but chia or flaxseed eggs would work too}

3 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes

1 tbsp coconut flour

1/2 tsp salt

2 cloves garlic

1 tsp basil

1 tsp oregano

1/2 tsp black pepper.

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1| Heat your oven to 220C

2| Chop the cauliflower into small pieces, blitz in a blender until it’s really fine. Steam for five minutes. Leave to drain off excess water.

3| Place your cauliflower into a bowl, and stir in all the other ingredients. If it’s really wet you may need to add a little extra coconut flour.

4| Spread the dough onto a greased baking tray {or pizza stone if you have one}. It’s best to not try and make it too thin as it will crack – my base was around half an inch thick.

5| Bake for ten minutes, flip and bake for ten more minutes.

6| Take out the oven, and top with your favourite ingredietns! I topped mine with homemade wild garlic pesto, onion, mushrooms, red pepper and sunflower seeds.

7| Bake for another 10-15 inutes and enjoy!


I served mine with corn cobs and mexican ‘slaw and it was SO good! Let me know if you try it out!



  1. Alison

    April 26, 2017 at 21:31

    I’ve never tried cauliflower rice or anything like a pizza base – I’m so intrigued to try it one day and see what it tastes like!

  2. Molly

    April 26, 2017 at 21:37

    Brilliant idea! Might add this to my weekday healthy meals plan. Looks really easy to do too!

    1. polly

      April 27, 2017 at 22:19

      It was easy to make – and really tasty – def a good healthy option!

  3. Alice

    April 27, 2017 at 18:07

    Polly, this looks amazing! I’ve made one cauli pizza base before and it was a bit soggy… I’ll definitely give this a go soon x

    1. polly

      April 27, 2017 at 22:20

      this one came out not soggy at all!!

  4. Katie @mummydaddyme

    April 28, 2017 at 11:00

    Polly this looks so delicious. I would love to eat this. I fear the girls would turn their noses up though. x

  5. laura redburn

    April 28, 2017 at 12:16

    as much as i can’t stand cauliflower, i might give this a go! gluten free pizza bases are …average at best so always worth trying something that’s also a bit more healthy too!

  6. Claire Evans

    April 28, 2017 at 15:02

    This looks delicious, Polly! I’m definitely going to make these! They look so good they don’t even need vegan cheese added. yum! xxx

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