Friday Finds


FRI-YAY! Hope you’ve all had a good week? It’s been a fun, but busy one here. I’ve really enjoyed these past couple of weeks with Miss Lola off from school – we’ll be sad to see her go back on Tuesday! Life’s been settling into a good routine here lately, the five of us together make SUCH a good team, and I’m really loving where we are at as a family at the minute.  I’ve been feeling less stressed out/anxious/depressed.. .while it’s all still there, it’s more manageable {hurrah} and I’m getting all my plates spinning again, making plans and figuring out what I want!

We’re off to Liverpool again today {third time in two weeks}, this time to visit the International Slavery Museum as a tie in with our book club book this month. We’ve not too much planned for the weekend, the kiddos will be with their Dad one day, so I have some projects {or work} I can get on with when I have the time to myself. Tonight is Pretty Little Liars night with Lola, and Sunday night is our family movie night – good times!

Here are a few bits of goodness I’ve found lately – usually in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep!

THESE tattoos – I love them!

I love THIS ARTICLE on what is really going on inside a teenage girls head


Just re-read this fab post by the lovely Molly – it’s totally cool to be normal!

We’re already excited about the Just So Festival – and the Dream Library sounds fantastic!

This post on MENTAL HEALTH from Kaelah was a really interesting read – six months into my separation, and I can relate to what she wrote so much.

I used to have a copy of the DESIDERATA printed out and pinned to my bathroom mirror, I’ve just reprinted it out as it is so beautiful

I really want to make this BLANKET LADDER, some BEADED WINDCHIMES and this BAG!

I love this HOUSE TOUR! What a gorgeous space!

I’ve been more mindful lately of what products I’ve been using. I’ve just switched my facial skincare to GOOD THINGS – I’m loving their Manuka Honey range, and my skin is too! I’ve also been trying out some KIND NATURED products in my bath – natural and they smell amazing!

I want this DRESS, this DRESS, this KIMONO and these ANKLE GRAZER JEANS but most of all this TEE please and thank you!

This COLOURING BOOK for adults looks like the perfect way to destress!


Hope you all have a fun weekend planned!

1 Comment

  1. Abbie

    April 21, 2017 at 09:08

    Gorgeous photo! Good things skin care looks amazing xx

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