Month: April 2017


Keeping safe in the kitchen

We spend a lot of time in the kitchen, cooking from scratch every day, as well as baking bread and cakes. My kiddos LOVE to help bake, and one thing I’ve always been really conscious about is making sure they know how to keep safe in the kitchen. We all remember to tell them things...

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Thinking about Vegas with the kiddos

Travelling to Las Vegas with children is an idea has been intriguing me. I have family in California and Arizona, and would love to combine a trip to visit them with a trip to the bright lights! I’ve been having a look around the web to see which Vegas hotels I would like to stay in...

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Recipe | Easy Yoghurt Cake

It’s no secret my kids love to bake, and love to experiment with new recipes. Now Beastie is bigger he loves to get involved and help out too. Kiki is great at involving him in whatever she is making – though sometimes he likes to try and take over. When Piccolo asked us to share...

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The Colour Coded Easter Egg Hunt

With Easter less than 10 days away, and the bird nesting season in full swing, bird food suppliers and outdoor enthusiasts Kennedy Wild Bird Food thought it would be the perfect time for children to get outside and explore. I’ve created an egg hunt every year for my kiddos, for as long as I can...

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Friday Finds

  Hello! It’s been a good week – but I’m pleased Friday has rolled around again! Miss Lola break from school for Easter today, so I have two weeks of not having to drag a teen out of bed every morning at half-past six – hurrah! We’ve had a really lovely, but busy week, this...

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The break itself is the beauty

It’s been almost a month since I’ve written here, and it strikes me as fitting that the last thing I posted were inspiring TED talks for when you’re lost and hopeless as that was EXACTLY where I was. Lost, hopeless, disbelieving that I could figure a way through this intact. Every time I tried to...

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A family meal plan for a month

I’ve shared MEAL PLANS on here before, though not for a while. Meal planning has slipped these last few months, I’ve not had the brain power to think more than a few hours ahead, so it’s been a case of scramble whatever I can find for dinner each night. The past couple of weeks I’ve...

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