Tag: self love


Small pockets of time

Breathe. Sometimes I need to remind myself to stop for a minute and just breathe. Days can get overwhelming, and as we rush from one task to the next, we forget to slow down and allow ourselves a moment or two. For those with kids in school, it’s back to the old routine this week....

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migraines, honor your body, intuition, self care, self love, wellness blog, lifestly blog,


Listening to my body

All week long I’ve had a migraine. Not a really bad one, thankfully, just a little one niggling in the background. Finally today, I think {HOPE} that it has finally gone. At first I was really annoyed, and then I realised it was a sign from my body that I wasn’t loving it enough. I...

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Showing up for me

Life has a way of running away with us, so much happens on autopilot, our days can become groundhog day like. We get up, eat, work, eat, sleep, repeat. My days can run away with me, so full with kids and work and other commitments, that I barely get a look in. But like that...

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Monday Musings

I’m feeling happy and content this morning. Even as I sit here, trying to write and the boys are running around and shouting. I’m a little sleepy, I’ve an hour or so of work ahead of me to get through before we can begin the rest of the day, and a busy week ahead –...

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Seeking connection

It’s a quiet Friday morning, I’m not home alone but silence surrounds me. With the boys out of the house so I can work, the house is so much quieter than usual. There was a time when hte quiet unnerved me, when an empty house, no-one calling ‘Mama’ every five minutes would leave me feeling...

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