Small pockets of time

Sometimes I need to remind myself to stop for a minute and just breathe. Days can get overwhelming, and as we rush from one task to the next, we forget to slow down and allow ourselves a moment or two.
For those with kids in school, it’s back to the old routine this week. Maybe you’re glad of that after the summer, maybe not.
I have one back at college full time, one about to start college two days a week, and one who goes back to Uni in a week’s time. That leaves me with ‘only’ two boys home full time.
I’m ready for some rhythm again after the summer, yet also will miss the long, lazy days we had, days when we could follow our own clocks instead of the one ticking down the day on the wall.
I’m feeling the pull of time lately, seeing how fast my girls are growing up, all too aware that our summers together are numbered.
Trying to make the most of every moment.
All the while knowing that we don’t have to be perfect. That we matter too. Sometimes I think we forget that. So busy in trying to be everything for our kids, ensuring that they have all they want.
It isn’t always easy trying to find space to be ME amidst all the busy-ness of life. Yet, I’ve learned just how important it is to make the space. Finding little pockets of time here and there. Twenty minutes on my yoga mat in the morning. Five minutes of meditation with my tea in the garden. Sitting at the table with the kids to do my craft project whilst they do theirs. The occasional coffee out with a friend. A movie in bed on the night a week the boys are with their Dad.
Remember you are worthy.
How do you make pockets of time to just be you?
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