Tag: Birthdays


17 years

When I was pregnant with my eldest, I remember thinking how when she was 18 I’d be 40… and that all felt so far away it would never happen. Now she’s turning 17… and I’m left wondering where on earth these years have gone. 17 years ago I welcomed a little girl into the world,...

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And then he was five!

A little late as I was taking a blogging break over Christmas/New Years, but I wanted to still share this on here! on the 28th December, my little Beastie Boy turned five. FIVE!! That blows my mind! How he is five already I literally have no idea. But he is, and he is wonderful I...

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And then he was TWO

TWO!!! I have no idea how that happened! It feels like five minutes since I announced his arrival. These two years have been a whirlwind, but he’s slotted into our family as though he’s always been here – he filled the missing piece that we didn’t know we didn’t have until he came along. But...

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And then she was seven…

In my mind, Baya is still about four. She’s been the baby of the family right up until Vega came along, and she is the sweetest little girl. She’s transistioned into the rold of big sister perfectly, and it’s crazy to think she is SEVEN already! She’s been so excited for her birthday, counting down...

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Happy Birthday Kiki!! I can’t believe this little munchkin turns NINE today… time sure is flying far too quickly. Our second born… you’ve always been a whirlwind from the second you were born after a speedy 2 hour labour. Always full of love, full of mischief and all about having fun. We love you squillions...

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Happy Twelfth Birthday to the girl who made me a Mama. Who showed me what it meant to love someone unconditionally, who gave me the chance to blossom and be who I was destined to be. I actually can’t believe you’re twelve whole years old… it seems a blink since you were as big as...

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