And then he was TWO


TWO!!! I have no idea how that happened! It feels like five minutes since I announced his arrival. These two years have been a whirlwind, but he’s slotted into our family as though he’s always been here – he filled the missing piece that we didn’t know we didn’t have until he came along. But my little Beastie Boy turned two last Wednesday.

It’s been such an honour watching him grow and flourish these past two years – he’s surrounded by so much love, me and his sisters adore him. He’s funny, and sweet, and loving. He’s growing into such a beautiful character – mischievous and knows that he has his sisters wrapped around his fingers. He’s definitely the one in charge!

He’s such a little chatter box now, he talks in sentences and says everything – I guess with three big sisters who never stop talking, it was inevitable he’d be the same {and loud so he is heard over the top of them!}. He was such fun to watch at Christmas this year as he really got into it, he still keeps looking for ‘Ho Ho Ho’ in the sky and asking for more presents!

He is fiercely independent, insistent he can do everything for himself – and wants to do whatever his girls do too. He loves nothing more than to climb into Kiki or Baya’s cabin beds and play with all their toys, and make them read him stories, usually telling me to go away at the same time!

I’ve given up waiting for him to sleep all night long {though we did have ONE night when he did}, we still co-sleep, so I can just half wake and roll over to him when he stirs. We’re still breastfeeding all day [and all night].. I’ve no plans to wean him at the minute, I’m planning on going as long as he wants to. Though I’ll admit there are times when it gets a bit of a tie – in the day at least now, I can reason with him a little and ask him to get off, or distract him with a drink or snack sometimes.

We had a low-key birthday for him, a couple of gifts, a chocolate cake and a trip to the sea-side. I’m planning on celebrating his half-birthday more from now on – June is a far better time for a birthday party!!

Here’s to another amazing year, watching him grow and learn. We love you Beastie Boy xxx







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