Tag: Birthdays


A birthday hike up Dinas Bran

So last week on Lola’s birthday, she decided she’d like to go to Llangollen… the one condition she gave her Papa was that we wouldn’t be climbing up Dinas Bran… well, can you guess?! On the premise of us looking at cute little lambs… we ended up walking up there! I’m glad we did, though...

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Birthday fun

Monday again!!! I almost didn’t post today…. that would have been the first time in months that I missed a day, but here I am ;) I’m exhausted right now, last week seemed to go on forever, and the weekend has been just as busy and crazy. I’ve spent the day getting my house sorted,...

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Eleven!! It’s hard to believe my first born is Eleven already, and only two years away from being a teenager {yikes!}. Eleven years ago I became a Mama, something that I never thought I wanted. From the moment she was in my arms, I knew it was the right path for me. She was the...

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birthday time! >>>

i’m the birthday girl!! add 3 decades onto that photo and you’re there! gah! i remember being 18 and thinking 30 was so old, so grown-up and so far away. now here i am, 32 and i still feel in my head 18! i’m a little wiser thankfully, and if the 18 year old me...

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it’s been another busy week for my tribe. miss kiki celebrated six turns around the sun, she was a lucky girlie and got a giant pile of gifts! her favourite was her very own blythe doll :) we’ve been enjoying the sun when it makes an appearance, and getting the last things ready for homeschool...

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this little miss turns six today! hard to believe it’s six years since she was born at home in the middle of the night, after an incredibly short two hour labour!! she’s still something of a whirlwind, always up to something and forever making me giggle. she’s not afraid to say what she’s thinking {or...

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Bits + Pieces // Lola’s birthday

miss lola’s ninth birthday celebrations were spread out over two days. as her actual birthday fell on a tuesday, she decided to have her party on the saturday so her friends who go to school could come :) her actual birthday we hopped on the train to chester, we did a little shopping {paperchase &...

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Party Time

source party day!! it’s a bit wet and grey out there but i’m hopeful it will brighten up! i’ve just made four extra party bags for last minute guests… now to decorate the house and garden, go buy the last bits of party food and then wait for 16 girls to arrive O_O wish me...

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