Year: 2021


A Mindful Solstice

If you’re signed up for my newsletter, you’ll have had this months email arrive this morning, with a beautiful Solstice Ritual for you to do today. If you don’t feel called to that ritual, perhaps you don’t normally celebrate the Solstice, or it doesn’t feel right for you, there are still ways you can mindfully observe...

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Listen to yourself

How often do you ignore what you know deep down? How many times do you quieten your inner voice? Ignore your gut feelings? Go against what feels right? Do what you think you ‘should’ instead of what you want? Society teaches us that we don’t know what’s best for ourselves. That we shouldn’t trust our...

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5 tips for Christmas Budgeting

With Christmas only a couple of weeks away, many of us are feeling the pinch already. It’s an expensive time of year, gifts, food, socialising, etc. Add all that on to the normal costs of living and for many, it can be a financial nightmare. The average household spends an extra £740 in December which...

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New Moon Introspection

My cycle links to the New Moon. I find myself turning inwards at this time, feeling the need to hibernate for a few days. I feel old anxieties and worries come up, so it’s a time for me to sit quietly and sort through them. To give myself this time of healing and renewal. The...

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It’s beginning to look at lot like Christmas

As soon as Halloween has been and gone, my kiddos really start to get excited for Christmas. The countdown is on to our tree arriving, getting to decorate and start opening advent calendars! We usually decorate our tree on the 1st – getting December started in a festive way! This year we had to do...

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