Three Good Things – Monday Morning Gratitude

I haven’t written one of these for a while, but I’ve just been sat here working and with five minutes spare thought I would hop on to remind myself of all the good in my life.

Life at the minute is FULL ON. There barely seems to be time to breathe, every waking moment is filled with something. It’s easy to let the days slip into weeks without taking pause to look around and remember once I wished for this. Fo the contentment I feel, the busy days, happy kiddos, a social life {kind of}, lovely home, a job that I love…

I’ve been sat in a work meeting, listening to the littlest three playing in the playroom, then with the boys sat next to me on the sofa whilst I did some work. We’re heading out shortly to meet friends for a bike ride/walk in the park. Good times.

+ Cosy evenings – I love Autumn. As much as I miss the long evenings of summer, I do love cosy nights at home. Fairy lights on, crochet out, kids all around chatting, laughing, just being together.

+ Gym comps – finally, after 20 months Baya got to compete again! She did so well even though she was so nervous!

+ Work – while it’s a tough juggling act managing work and kids/home ed. I am so grateful that I get to do a job I can do from home, that fits in with the rest of our lives, and I love.

What are you grateful for this week?

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