Tag: Music


Happy Days – a spring playlist

We’re back into our ‘normal’ routines this week after a hectic Easter Holidays. While homeschooling doesn’t have to follow school holidays, and we don’t stick to their set dates, with one child at school, we find that breaking from most of our studies while she’s off suits us best these days. That said, we’ve kept...

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Festive Tunes

We always have music on at home – either the radio, the ipod or some vinyl. Come December I love to dig out my Christmas Vinyl collection and play some festive tunes. I wait 11 months of the year to listen to those songs {I think by the end of Christmas everyone else is ready...

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A halloween playlist

I love Spotify! We have a premium subscription so we can use it across all our devices, and it’s so great. I love putting together playlists for specific occasions or moods. We recently discovered a new kids app on Spotify – ‘My Songs’. It features age appropriate music, perfect for parents of small children looking...

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Workout Motivation

Working out…. it’s not something that I’m naturally drawn to. I never was athletic… sure, I horse rode and played netball in primary school, but by the time I was a teenager I would do anything to avoid P.E lessons. I hated them. Cross country runs through muddy tunnels and games of hockey on a...

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Christmas Playlist

Happy Monday!! We’ve had a fun weekend – we went to visit Santa in his grotto yesterday {and we got to hold owls!!} The girls went very shy when we saw hi, but they managed to ask for a few things that they would like for Christmas! Then in the afternoon, the kiddos had their...

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music >>>>

our home is always full of music, there’s nearly always vinyl playing and someone strumming away on a guitar. my girls all love listening to music – their most requested right now range from Iron Maiden to Dolly Parton ;) They’re getting a great musical education! they were excited when the postman delivered this gorgeous...

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music mixtape >>>>

 after a fun weekend with my mum here, it’s back to work today! i managed to get caught up on my wholesale orders and regular shop orders. so now i have some space to focus on finishing my ecourse. baya asked to go to storytime at the library this afternoon, so we’ll take a walk...

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