Tag: word of the year

orange slice on top of open book next to a pen


2024 Intentions and my word of the year

A month into the new year, and with the celebrations of Imbolc, I can feel myself coming alive again. The lengthening days and the early signs of spring are wakening me from my winter hibernation. I can feel the stirrings of hope building at a new year ahead, all the adventures and fun I can...

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Welcoming in 2022 and my guiding word

Happy New Year! I’m feeling so grateful to be welcoming in another New Year. Over the chaos of our Yule time celebrations, I managed to carve out a little time for myself to say goodbye to 2021, and to set some intentions for the coming year. Last year, personally, was a good one. There were...

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2021 – a guiding word

I have been picking a guiding word for the year for the last decade or so. Last year’s word was G R O W – I just re-read what I wrote, and how apt it was…. This year is time to see the growth come through at long last. The year that I grow into...

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grow - gudiing word for 2020


A guiding word for 2020

Apart from last year, I’ve been choosing a guiding word each New Year for the last decade. It helps me to focus on the year ahead as a whole, it is more flexible than resolutions/goals and is all-encompassing. 2018’s word was S U R R E N D E R and it was perfectly apt....

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Choosing a guiding word for 2018

“Where you invest your love, you invest your life.”  I have chosen a soul word to focus on each year for several years now- I think this is the eighth year in a row that I’ve picked one. A word to use as a mantra for the coming year. Gentler than resolutions, a word can...

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To begin, begin

{be.gin} perform or undergo the first part of (an action or activity) It’s been a few years since I intentionally chose a guiding word for the year. Somewhere amongst the last two years, it fell by the wayside – I think because I was so busy pretending that everything was OK that trying to live...

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