Dear Bean Well hello third trimester! This week feels like we’re really on the final countdown to baby. 13 weeks or thereabouts to go, and I’m guessing it’s going to...
I hit the twenty-six week marker this week, and now I’m well over halfway into this fifth pregnancy I thought I’d share a few of my pregnancy essentials. Pregnancy can...
Dear Bean 25 down, 15 to go {or thereabouts!}. Bean is getting wrigglier and wrigglier by the day, though ten pm seems to be his favourite time! Nothing much to...
Dear Bean Twenty four weeks! When I found out I was pregnant at four weeks, this point seemed so long away. With sixteen weeks to go, I’m guessing the baby...
Dear Bean Another week ticked off. I’ve felt pretty uncomfortable much of this week. Bean has been sitting really low down and it’s not the most comfortable place for him to...
Dear Bean Twenty-Two weeks! This week you’ve really started to be active. I have an anterior placenta, so those first movements were cushioned, meaning I didn’t really feel very much...
We’ve been counting down to our twenty week scan since December, desperate to find out what flavour we were having this time! The kids have been talking of nothing else...
HALFWAY BABY! Having known I was pregnant since I was four weeks gone, I already feel like I have been pregnant forever! Still, we’re finally at the halfway marker, and...
Dear Bean Another week ticked off, another week closer to meeting you. People keep asking if I have an idea of whether you’re a boy or girl, and really I...
Dear Bean Only five weeks until I get to see you again! And hopefully, find out if you’re a boy or girl ♥ I’ve been feeling much better the past week....
Dear Bean…. This past week seems to have been a little better… the sickness has mostly passed {fingers crossed}, I’ve slept a little better and am not feeling quite so...
It’s probably not gone un-noticed that things have been a little quiet around here for the past couple of months… well I have a very good excuse for why I’ve...
Throughout pregnancy, all of your focus is on your newborn essentials, on labour and delivery… and not so much on what are your postpartum essentials for those first days/weeks after...