Category: FAMILY


Summer Memories

Summer Days. I spent the month mostly unplugged from this space and all social media. Not offline as I still had to work. But taking a step back from the online world. Focusing on being present and spending time with my kiddos. With Lola home from Uni for the summer, we had a full house....

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Welcome to the family little chucks!

Almost 10 years after we first got chickens {and 7 years since we said goodbye to them} – we’ve got chickens again!! I am SO excited – I’ve been wanting chickens again for ages. We rehomed our chickens when we moved into this house, as they used to have the run of the ‘woods’ at...

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A ‘Do Nothing Day’

How often do you allow yourself to do nothing? When you’re ill? Or just worn out? Or do you push yourself to keep going? I’ve always been terrible at doing nothing. I think part of it is anxiety – that constant need to be busy so that I don’t have to listen to it. Even...

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Watching them fly the nest

We spend the formative years of our children lives encouraging them to be independent, teaching them to be strong, self-reliant, dream big and set goals…. The downside to this is that one day, they grow wings and fly away. Last week, we packed up our car with endless boxes and bags, and I drove my...

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