Year: 2024


The Happy List #15

In making space for healing, I’m making space for all the good and happy things in life. Letting go of what isn’t essential, and choosing to focus on what makes me feel good. There are many happy moments throughout the week, and it’s really important that we remember to be grateful for all of them...

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The Happy List #14

February is almost at a close, and I am so happy to be seeing signs of spring around us. I’ve not been feeling good for a while now, but have been trying to pretend all is OK. Truth be told I am burnt out, having lived through trauma that I’ve not addressed truly, my body...

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5 Fun Family Festivals for 2024

I’ve been taking the kids to festivals since the girls were little. Camp Bestival and Just So were two of our favourites when the girls were little – they have such amazing memories of weekends spent in a field with friends, old and new. There are so many great festivals for families on offer –...

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Sick Days

A two-day migraine. Pain even my meds didn’t touch. Unable to keep any food down. My second migraine this year. Up until last summer, migraines had been happening more and more frequently. They would lay me up for a day or two each time, not ideal when you’re self employed and a single Mama. I...

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The Happy List #13

A week into February, and I’m hanging on for those 7am sunrises in a few weeks. I’m really struggling with the dark and the cold. I feel as though I’m walking around in a daze. I’m not sure if it’s hormonal, or the time of year, or my mental health, but the brain fog, the...

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orange slice on top of open book next to a pen


2024 Intentions and my word of the year

A month into the new year, and with the celebrations of Imbolc, I can feel myself coming alive again. The lengthening days and the early signs of spring are wakening me from my winter hibernation. I can feel the stirrings of hope building at a new year ahead, all the adventures and fun I can...

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Celebrating Imbolc

Imbolc is always one of my favourite Sabbats. After a long winter, Imbolc – the mid-way point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, is always a welcome sign. This is a time when winter is starting to wind down, but it is still cold and sometimes snowy; spring is hiding around the corner,...

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