Month: March 2021

white grey and red wooden house


6 things to consider for first time buyers

I’ve rented houses my entire adult life. I’ve never been in a position to purchase a house before, and while we’re lucky enough to live in a gorgeous rented house with fantastic landlords, it’s still not mine. Renting obviously has some benefits {such as not being financially responsible for repairs}, yet there’s also the knowledge...

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As I turn 40…

I turn 40 today. 40. There’s something huge and significant about 40. It’s one of those milestone birthdays that everyone asks ‘How do you feel about turning…?’ Honestly? The thought of 40 feels pretty good. After the last four and a half years, the beginning of a new decade feels like a new chapter in...

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The Photo That Wins Customers

Special cloth alert. Fan luv. Celebrate success right, the only way, apple. Give thanks to the most high. In life there will be road blocks but we will over come it. You smart, you loyal, you a genius. The weather is amazing, walk with me through the pathway of more success. Take this journey with...

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grieving a death, not a marraige


Grieving a death of sorts

I was laying in bed the other night, nursing my toddler back to sleep, one hand on his chest, feeling the rise and fall as he breathed, and the steady beat of his heart. It transported me back to the weeks four and a half years ago when my marriage was crumbling. I remember laying...

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Travel Strategies For Beginners

Special cloth alert. Fan luv. Celebrate success right, the only way, apple. Give thanks to the most high. In life there will be road blocks but we will over come it. You smart, you loyal, you a genius. The weather is amazing, walk with me through the pathway of more success. Take this journey with...

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Never a failure

“It’s not a failure if you learn from it.” I shared this quote on my Instagram really, having come across it whilst studying for my coaching course. It really resonated with me, and apparently resonated with a lot of other people too. It got me thinking about how I have defined the things that I...

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7 Ways To Help Yourself Deal With Anxiety

Anyone can go through a dark phase in their life, while it can be challenging when it’s happening to you, you must try to do your best to stay strong and fight your inner demons. Anxiety can happen to anyone, it could be your friend, your sibling, or even the stranger across the coffee house....

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