Questions Every Woman Should Ask Themselves to Stay Connected With Their Inner Selves

As people, one of the most important things that we forget to do is connect with ourselves. As a mother or a partner in a relationship, it can be easy for us women to put aside our own needs in order to make sure everyone else is satisfied. However, understanding your own necessities is just as crucial as fulfilling anyone else’s. You deserve to enjoy your life and be content too!
Most of us continue to stay busy with work or the kids, and we could be stuck in neverending, unsatisfying routines. However from time to time, it is essential for us to step back and reflect on where we currently stand and whether we are happy with where we’re heading. Answering the following questions are a great way to take some time for yourself and really think about whether you feel like your life is on the right path. This could be a great journaling activity or you could even get a few of your friends around to have a reflection session together!
- How am I feeling?
Although simple, this question can be a trigger of emotion for those that need to hear it. This is a great starting question which allows you to introspect and settle in more to the session. To understand the main emotion that is reflected in your energies on a daily basis is an overlooked strength to have. Not only does it mean that you are in tune with your being, it also means that you are one step closer to knowing exactly what you need to satisfy your body, mind and soul in that moment.
Even if you don’t do this particular activity all the time, you should still try to ask yourself this question every day – whether an internal conversation or a journal activity, answering this is good practice to follow if you want to develop a stronger connection with yourself.
- Is there anything I really need at this moment?
As mentioned with the previous question, this one really tests how much you know your own needs and desires. With life moving at 100 miles per hour, sometimes we need to ask ourselves what we require to be content. This question will help you connect your mind to the rest of your body and help to grow your intuition.
If you are truly feeling disconnected from your being, you should take up meditative practices such as yoga. Beginners can focus on simple flows such as Sun Salutations whilst more advanced practitioners can delve into the depths of Hatha Yoga – more specifically learning the practice of nauli kriya. Yoga is meant to open up help you relax and trust your instincts more.
- Who in my life am I truly grateful for today?
Expressing gratitude for the people in your life is essential. If we are going through a difficult time in our lives or we’re extremely wired into our routines, it becomes hard to appreciate the small things that life throws our way. From the stranger who took time to help you find your way or your partner who makes sure to send you a “good morning beautiful” text every morning – take some time to note the special people around you!
- Is there anything I can let go of?
Many times, you may find yourself holding onto certain events or conversations from the past. Although it is human nature to hold on to things, you need to think about whether that particular moment is taking up energy which you could allocate elsewhere. Remember, you only have a certain amount of energy and you need to be selective as to where you place that energy. Learning to let go of things that don’t require any more of your time also frees up energy that you can now allocate back to yourself! Funny how things work, right?
- What can I do to spread joy today?
Not everyone is going to feel positive every single day. But if you try to consciously spread positivity, it may come full circle and make you feel a tiny bit better, even on a difficult day. Sharing joy however you can will keep the energies around you light and give you space to breathe. It could be as simple as making your kids their favourite breakfast pancakes or getting your colleague a cup of coffee on your way into work – there are so many small gestures that could brighten up someone’s day.
As much as this activity is about connecting with our inner selves, we also need to think about how we are reflecting our emotions towards everyone around us. In order to gain happiness, we need to be able to spread it too!
Taking some time every few months to connect with yourself and understand how you are going about your life is essential in order to grow and learn as a human. Often, we take life for granted and we find ourselves unable to slow the pace of our life down. Hopefully these five questions will help you begin the process of introspection, and allow you to connect deeper with your mind, body and soul.
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