7 Ways To Help Yourself Deal With Anxiety

Anyone can go through a dark phase in their life, while it can be challenging when it’s happening to you, you must try to do your best to stay strong and fight your inner demons. Anxiety can happen to anyone, it could be your friend, your sibling, or even the stranger across the coffee house. Anxiety can be the result of extreme stress, the mental impacts of lockdown or can just occur for no apparent reason.  

Nobody likes to experience anxiety as it can make you feel extremely uncomfortable and tense, and make you feel as though you need to look for ways on how you can release yourself from your feelings. 

If you’re experiencing anxiety, here are some tips which may help you manage it better: 

  1. Consider Counseling 

The best way to help yourself with your anxiety is through seeking professional help. If you’re having trouble dealing with your anxiety on your own, counseling could be a good option.

Anxiety counseling can help you every step of the way as you learn to manage your condition. It can provide you with therapies or medication that can help your mood and allow you to function better in everyday life. You can check sites such as for anxiety treatment options, and see if this a step you’re willing to take.  

When you consider counseling, you need to prepare for its price as it doesn’t usually come cheap. But don’t worry; the benefits that it can provide for your mental health can make it all worth it. After a few counseling sessions, you may find you’re already coping better day to day.

  1. Take A Time Out  

When you first feel the signs of anxiety, you should immediately give yourself some time out and try to remove yourself from any stressful situations.  

If your anxiety attacks are triggered by too much stress about upcoming deadlines which you still can’t get done, remove yourself from your work environment and try to relax for a little while. You can choose to do anything which makes you happy—a walk in the park, drawing, knitting, or even cooking. Just try to keep yourself focused on your new activity to get your mind off your anxiety triggers. 

  1. Practice Relaxation Techniques  

When you’re experiencing anxiety, it could help you to practice relaxation techniques to calm down.

You could try to practice deep breathing exercises in which you need to inhale, exhale, and hold your breath for a second, and it could help you relax. You could also try to meditate, just ensure that you stay in a quiet room free from any distractions to allow you to focus on your breathing and well-being.  

If you find relaxation in physical movement, you could try practicing yoga or tai chi. There are plenty of apps and videos online which can help guide you on what position you should do, and it can help you be relaxed and at peace for a brief moment. 

  1. Consider Aromatherapy  

Aromatherapy can also help make you feel better and at ease. More study is needed to confirm the benefits and power of using essential oils, some people may find it effective, and it may be something worth trying if soothing scents can help manage your anxiety.

If you’re new to essential oils, you can choose to add a few drops to your oil diffuser and allow the fresh scent of air to circulate the room, you might be surprised with how relaxing it can feel, almost as if you’re having a relaxing day at the spa.  

Apart from using an essential oil diffuser, you can also try to massage a drop into your temples and allow the aroma to surround your body.  

  1. Limit Caffeine Intake 

Even if you genuinely love indulging in a cup of coffee or tea, you should try to limit your caffeine intake if you suffer from anxiety, as it may make your symptoms worse.  

Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, when you consume too much caffeine, your nervous system may overreact to stimulus, making you feel jumpy. 

One option which may help manage your anxiety attacks is to limit your caffeine intake daily. If you know that you get anxiety attacks frequently, it could be helpful if you try to restrict your consumption to having a cup of coffee or tea once a week.  

Apart from coffee and tea, there are other hidden sources of caffeine that you may not know about. Caffeine can be found in soda, chocolate, and energy drinks. If you religiously consume these products during the day, you may find that limiting their intake improves your anxiety symptoms. Consider trying other non-caffeine alternatives.  

  1. Exercising 

If calm exercises such as yoga or stretching don’t make you feel relaxed or bring you enjoyment, feel free to do some basic cardio exercises at home for a better workout.  

When you’re facing a situation in which you’re too stressed or anxious to do anything, you can try to pause everything you’re doing, change into your workout clothes, and hit your local gym.  

Studies have shown that when you work out, your body releases endorphins, which significantly can increase your mood and put you in a better place, however, you need to be a careful when you exercise and try to avoid working out two to three hours before bedtime, as this could affect the quality of sleep you get at night. 

If you’re experiencing anxiety symptoms early in the morning, consider working out when you wake up, this may help you feel good, and also helps to start your day on a healthy note.  

  1. Listen To Music 

Different people have various ways they like to relax. If music is something you find soothing, you could try listening to relaxing music when you’re having anxiety symptoms.  

You can download plenty of relaxing apps on your mobile phone which allow you to play soothing sounds, putting you at ease. If you have a preference for music relaxation, you can always listen to your favorite tunes as long as they make you happy and feel peaceful.

For the best relaxation experience, you could listen to music through your noise-canceling earphones, which can help you focus on the music without outside interference.


Anxiety can be very troubling, especially when your symptoms occur during the most inconvenient times. By considering these tips, you can look for ways to manage your stress better and possible improve your mental health.  

When it comes to taking care of yourself, don’t forget that you need to take good care of your physical and mental health equally. There’s no point in having a healthy body if you’re neglecting your mental health. 

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