Year: 2018


Dear Bean – Week Fifteen

Dear Bean Only five weeks until I get to see you again! And hopefully, find out if you’re a boy or girl ♥ I’ve been feeling much better the past week. No sickness, not so tired, and a lot less hormonal. I’ve felt a few little flutters this week too, nothing beats feeling those first movements,...

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Finding my voice

It’s early morning, and my house is asleep. I’m sat on the sofa in my living room, a cup of steaming Earl Grey in my hand, some tunes playing softly and the twinkling of the fairy lights on our Christmas Tree sparkling in the background. I’m relishing this quiet time, allowing myself to just sit with...

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A festive life update

Hey guys! With only five sleeps to Christmas, the excitement levels in my house are through the roof. Maybe not from the teen, but even my tweenager is pretty excited {though that’s probably mostly down to the much-longed-for make-up palette she’s hoping will be under the tree on Christmas morning!!}. December seems to have flown...

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Dear Bean ~ Week 14

Dear Bean…. This past week seems to have been a little better… the sickness has mostly passed {fingers crossed}, I’ve slept a little better and am not feeling quite so rotten! Let’s hope it stays that way. Beastie keeps asking me when the baby is coming, he’s very concerned about whose bedroom it will have...

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Festive movie nights

As soon as December hits, the Christmas movies get pulled out. Elf is always our first watch right at hte start of the month. There is nothing better than a Christmas themed movie night {or afternoon}, especially when it is cold and wet outside. We put the fairy lights on, dig out the blankets, make...

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