Month: February 2016



A portrait of my kiddos, once a week. We’ve been enjoying some early spring sunshine this week, venturing back out into the gardening and enjoying some fresh air.

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After my ramblings the other day on Self-Image, I was amazed at the response I received – how many other woman said that they felt the same way, that they were their own worst enemies and were often overly critical of the way that they look on a daily basis. The same day I blogged...

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Wish List ~ Mother’s Day

  Mother’s Day here in the UK falls on March 6th this year – so early I almost missed it! Last year was my favourite – my birthday fell on the Saturday and Mothers Day on the Sunday – that was the best weekend! While I think Mothers Day shouldn’t just be about buying gifts… I’m...

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Rambling thoughts on self-image

  It’s been a while since I’ve written anything really personal on here. When I first started blogging, I wrote a few posts on being me, on fear and on contentment. I touched on my battles with depression, my poor self-image and my history of eating disorders. Over the past couple of years I’ve shied...

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Six reasons why I’d love to visit Iceland

I have to be honest, and until I met G, Iceland would never have been somewhere on my ‘travel wishlist’. I’m more of a sunshine kinda gal – not necessarily just beach holidays, I love visiting cities too and immersing myself in the local culture and history. I don’t do well with the cold, so...

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