

After my ramblings the other day on Self-Image, I was amazed at the response I received – how many other woman said that they felt the same way, that they were their own worst enemies and were often overly critical of the way that they look on a daily basis. The same day I blogged my thoughts and feelings, Weight Watchers got in touch with me about their #WomanKind campaign. The campaign aims to help women feel more confident within their mind, body and soul. Their report found that 86% of women admitted that they could be kinder to themselves. From what you told me the tother day, and my own personal experience, I’d have to agree – we, as women, find it far easier to be kind to others than we do ourselves. I’d never dream of telling a friend that she looked awful that day, ask her if she knew she was still carrying some baby weight, or criticise her spotty skin – yet they are all things that I put myself down for, and allow to determine how I feel about myself.

As part of their campaign, they have produced this video on creating strong relationships… it really made me stop and think. How much energy I spend in supporting others, and how little I spend in championing myself. I’d never think to congratulate myself on doing a great job, or take a sec to say ‘you look good today’.

The video made me wonder what life would look like if we forged a stronger relationship with ourselves. IF we treated ourselves the way we do our partners, or best friends. What if we were our own best friends? If we took care of ourselves, if we complimented ourselves when we did something special {or even just made it through a tough day}? If instead of criticising ourselves for our shortcomings, we noticed the things that we do well?

I’m sure I’m not the only one who brushes off compliments from friends or my husband, who looks in the mirror and criticise myself. When I see my daughters, I see three beautiful little girls, who are going to grow into three beautiful women. I want to set a good example for them, to see how important it is to have a good relationship with yourself, how important it is to feel good about yourself, and that there is nothing wrong in paying yourself compliments.

my #womankind

I know that when I was fighting my way out of the depths of depression, I had to practice some self-love. To take better care of myself, and essentially to be my own best friend. These are my five top tips for being kind to yourself – they are what #WomanKind means to me.

1. Be Your Own Cheerleader

At the end of each day, make a mental list of three good things from your day – it could be you made a phone call even though you hate talking on the phone, or you managed to get all your work done, you exercised, you didn’t eat all the cake…. they can be little things or big things. If you like, jot them down in a notebook – I keep one by my bed for this pourpose. Keeping a record of your achievements can boost your mood and confidence..

2. Make it about health {not weight}

Rather than  putting the focus on not eating junk food/processed foods as they make you fat… think about eating healthy foods for how they make you feel. Food has a powerful relationship with our mood, and even just being dehydrated can lower our mood . If I put myself on a diet to loose weight, my brain hears the criticism {you’re fat} and I feel bad. If I think about improving my diet so that I eel better, not worrying about losing weight, my brain sees me taking care of my body and feels loved. Taking care of your body is a huge act of love.

3. Move It

Find an exercise that you love and get your blood pumping. At the end of a long day, I love to jump on the cross trainer, some loud music blasting out and sweat all the stress out. Moving your body makes you feel {and look} great – you’ll never regret working out.

4. Find Your Tribe

We all need a support group sometimes, and having a group of friends around who are positive and supportive is something we all should have. Surrounding yourself with positive people will help keep you out of a negative mindset.

5. Treat Yourself

A new top, a pamper night, a hair cut or just a long soak in a hot bath. Take some time once or twice a week to really take care of yourself, you’ll feel fabulous for it!

What does #WomanKind mean to you?


post in association with Weight Watchers. As always, all words and opinions are my own


  1. Fritha

    February 28, 2016 at 10:35

    Polly you are such a beauty inside and out! I love the idea of championing each other, I say find a bunch of like minded strong women and you’re set for life xx

  2. Slummy single mummy

    February 28, 2016 at 20:01

    An interesting post and very true – we do have to take that time to care for ourselves as much as we care for other people.

  3. Mel Wiggins

    February 28, 2016 at 20:19

    To me, womankind means understanding that taking care of yourself is how you are able to really take care of others. It means that being aware of your own flaws and shortcomings in order to give space for others to make mistakes or get it wrong sometimes too. x

  4. Candy Pop

    February 28, 2016 at 20:26

    What a gorgeous post! To me, Womankind is simply being kind to myself and others. x

  5. Alice

    February 28, 2016 at 20:43

    I love this post, and what a great campaign!! I think it’s so important to be kind to ourselves, and each other. I try to give at least one compliment every day, too, to spread happiness and light :)

  6. Lottie | Oyster & Pearl

    February 29, 2016 at 14:00

    Definitely! There’s a Caitlin Moran piece where she talks about how you’d never say to a friend some of the mean things you say to yourself, and it’s true. Well done for sharing this x

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