Month: February 2016


Life, lately

Thank goodness for Friday! It’s been a week… Mr Vega is still teething and ill, there isn’t much sleep going on here. We’re all full of the sniffles and the kiddos all have a horrid cough, which gets worse at night. My throat is sore but fingers crossed I’m hanging on in there. Still, G...

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The heart of the home

Our kitchen/diner really is the heart of our home. Since we moved in, we’ve really been enjoying having one central ‘hub’ where things all happen… our old kitchen was tiny and quite sperate from the rest o the house. This meant if I was cooking I was somewhat isolated, and just didn’t work well for...

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A romantic French Valentine’s evening

For Valentine’s Day Expedia invited me to take part in their World On A Plate ‘Love’ Campaign, and asked me to cook up a meal idea based on one of their European holiday destinations. I chose France as my romantic destination inspiration, they’re a nation known for love and romance. Paris is somewhere I would love...

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4 fantastic alphabet activities

Here are four fun ideas to help your child learn the alphabet. These work with toddlers but also for older children who need some extra practice or if they are beginning to read. Baya asked to make an alphabet poster last year, at 6 she certainly knew all her letters but had fun doing it...

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Bedtime Routines

Sleep! I’ve written about it before, it’s something you take for granted until you have children and suddenly those full nights sleep are a distant memory. Our first child was one of those ‘easy’ babies, you know the ones, that sleep 12 hours a night from just a few weeks old. Nothing ever changed that...

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Another week, another set of photos. I’ve been finding it hard to snap photos esp of my biggies… they’re not always so keen on me snapping away all the time! I do love having these photos to look back on though, so it’s worthwhile!

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