Tag: vegan


A family meal plan for November

Somehow October’s meal plan never happened, and after a month of winging it, I am ready to be back in a world of meal plans!! It’s so much easier to have a month’s worth of meals planned ahead of time. Saves me time, money and food waste. Without a meal plan, I always get to 5...

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A family meal plan for August

Summer meal planning… to be honest, the last couple of weeks I’ve not stuck to religiously to my meal plan. We’ve BBQ’d whenever it’s been dry enough or had more ‘picky dinners’ out in the garden after a busy day out when I haven’t felt like cooking. And that’s OK – the beauty of meal...

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A family meal plan for July

Another month, and another meal plan! I’m still finding it so much easier to plan a month at a time – though last month we ended up going away for a few days, and then I kind of just made meals up when we got back! But on a whole, having the month planned out...

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June’s Monthly Family Meal Plan

This is the third month of monthly meal planning, and although I was a few days late making this months plan {meaning three days of winging meal times yikes!} I’m really enjoying planning ahead for a whole month at once still. You can see the plans for April and May if you like too. Having a...

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A family meal plan for a month

I’ve shared MEAL PLANS on here before, though not for a while. Meal planning has slipped these last few months, I’ve not had the brain power to think more than a few hours ahead, so it’s been a case of scramble whatever I can find for dinner each night. The past couple of weeks I’ve...

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Vegan eating

Burrito Bowls // Butternut Squash Pasta // Mexican Quinoa // Honey-Lime Quinoa Stuffed Sweet Pototoes For the past couple of months, we’ve been making a concious effort to reduce the amount of dairy we were eating. We don’t use cows milk and use a vegan spread – we have ever since Lola was around 5,...

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Vegetarian & Vegan Food Guide – London

We’ve been promising the girls a London holiday for the past year. We’d planned to go this autumn, but with bubba on the way decided to put it on hold for a little longer. It’s now pencilled in to our diaries for next year, figuring London with a baby who can go in a sling...

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