June’s Monthly Family Meal Plan

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This is the third month of monthly meal planning, and although I was a few days late making this months plan {meaning three days of winging meal times yikes!} I’m really enjoying planning ahead for a whole month at once still. You can see the plans for April and May if you like too. Having a whole month of meals planned out makes it so much easier to get a variety of meals in and saves me a job each week of doing a weekly plan. I usually sit down with all the kiddos to fill our plan in – letting everyone add some suggestions in for meals they would like, or sides to go with meals we’re having means everyone is {in theory} happy.

As I’ve mentioned before –  I eat vegan, Lola and Baya are vegetarian, while Beastie and Kiki do eat a little meat – though at home I mainly cook veggie options for ease. I look for meals that are easily adaptable or suitable for all of us. For example – Kiki’s request this month is Macaroni Cheese which I can easily make with a vegan cheese sauce, or make separate portions {though she is off dairy right now as we think she may be lactose intolerant}. It’s really not difficult to cater to suit slightly different needs/tastes of all of us. I usually cook 3 or 4 vegetables to go with meals, meaning there is something everyone likes and they can pick and choose which they want, or I’ll make a deconstructed salad so again they can build their own at the table. When we have meals like breakfast for dinner [holy nom} or scramble – I’ll make the kids scrambled eggs and I have scrambled tofu instead.

We do eat as a family together every night around the table, it’s one of those things I think is really important – all gathering together and discussing our days and enjoying a meal.  Busy life means there is not always all five of us there every single night – Baya eats later three nights a week due to her gymnastics schedule, and when it’s brownie and guide night we seem to eat in several sittings, but whoever is home eats together!

So – here is what we’ll be eating this month {minues the first couple of days I didn’t get around to planning!}

* Picky Dinner
* Soup
* Sweet Potato Fajitas + rice
* Homemade wedges, five bean chilli and guac
* Macaroni Cheese, Salad
* Scramble, Sweet Potato Waffles, Edamame
* Pizza Night
* Picky Dinner
* Pesto Pasta
* Veg Burgers, Sweet Potato Fries, Sweetcorn Salsa
* Spaghetti, Tomato Sauce, Corb Cobs
* Hasselback Potatoes and PYO toppings {I’ll do bowls of grated cheese, corn, salad veg, bean salad, etc to choose from}
* Naan Pizzas
* Breakfast for dinner
* Picky Dinner
* Omelette, Mediterranean Roast Veg
* Pasta Bake
* Falafel, Wedges, Salad
* Roast Veg Tart, Thai ‘Slaw
* Loaded Fries
* Fried Rice, Corn Cobs
* Picky Dinner
* Sausages, Gnocchi, Roast Broccoli
* Veg Curry, Rice, Poppadums
* Tomato Soup + Cheese toasties
* Stuffed Pasta, Garlic Bread
* Pizza Night

What have you been eating recently?

1 Comment

  1. Stephanie

    June 10, 2017 at 14:59

    Great plan. It seems like you’ve carefully considered the Summer season while planning these items. I’ve been eating cookies and muffins since the beginning of this month :)

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