A family meal plan for August

A family meal plan for August

Summer meal planning… to be honest, the last couple of weeks I’ve not stuck to religiously to my meal plan. We’ve BBQ’d whenever it’s been dry enough or had more ‘picky dinners’ out in the garden after a busy day out when I haven’t felt like cooking. And that’s OK – the beauty of meal planning is that you can totally rip the rule book up and mix meals around whenever you feel like it. I use it as a guide not as a list set in stone. I always keep the pantry stocked with plenty of basics {pasta, pesto, canned beans, grains, wraps, etc} as well as bits in the freezer {veggie/vegan sausages, fishless fingers, ready made burgers, some frozen veg} so there is always something quick to make if life gets in the way of meal plans!

So, August. We’re away a few times, hence a shorter than normal list of meals. We’re visiting family a couple of days, so I haven’t meal planned for then, and we’re off to the Just So – I will be cooking three quick, easy meals there {campfire chili, quesadillas, sausages wraps}, then we’re away right at the very end of the month too! Phew…

Here’s what we’ll be eating:

* Vegan Mac ‘n’ Cheese
* Chickpea Tikka Masala
* Ratatouille, Sweet Potato Wedges
* Pizza
* BBQ {?!}
* Picky Dinner
* Sausages, Rice, Corn Cobs
* Taco Salad
* Spaghetti, Sauce, Garlic Bread
* Baked Potatoes
* Quinoa Tabbouleh
* Naan Pizzas
* Picky Dinner
* Falafel, Pitta, Salad
* Pesto Pasta Salad
* Fajitas
* Fishless Fingers, Sweet Potato Wedges, Peas
* Campfire Chili
* Quesadillas
* Sausage Wraps
* Bean Salad
* Linguine, Veg, Cheese Sause
* Black Bean Burgers, Mexican ‘Slaw
* Scramble, Hashbrowns, BBQ Baked Beans
* Sweet Potato Gnocchi, Roast Tomato Sauce, Salad
* Rice Bowls

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