Tag: thishomeschoolinglife


This Homeschooling Life #15

Another month! October saw some big transitions for us… mainly in that Lola started school halfway through the month. The first couple of weeks of October we knew she would be starting soon, so while she kept doing some things at home, we just kind of made the most of our last couple of weeks...

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This Homeschooling Life #14

September didn’t go at all to plan. We started off great, went ‘not back to school’ and were all excited for new projects. The first week was great, and then life kinda went a bit upside down and all our plans went wrong. It’s been a case of ‘do what you can’. Thankfully, the girls...

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This Homeschooling Life #11

I really don’t know how it is July already! But it is, and that means it’s summer! June was a good but busy month. I had a lot of work stuff going on, and we had a couple of family visits too. We’re about to break for a few weeks over the summer- at least...

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Review | Play The Forest School Way

Forest Schools have become more and more popular recently, with many parents worried about reports of obesity, the effects too much screen time on their children, and ‘nature deficit disorder’. Forest School brings so many benefits to our children, including playing in nature, learning through experience, free play and managing risk. I know firsthand just...

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This Homeschooling Life #10

Hello! Another month and another ‘This Homeschooling Life’. Another month of me thinking ‘eeep! what do I have to say/!’ I’ve said it before, but after 9 years homeschooling is just normal life for us – I don’t always see the differentiation between life and learning. Indeed, there often isn’t one. So much of my...

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This Homeschooling Life #6

Another new month and the sixth edition of ‘This Homeschool Life’. I have to admit to being a little glad January is over. It’s probably my least favourite month of the year. We all struggled to get back into any kind of ‘routine’ after the lovely Christmas break. This month so far has been wet,...

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This Homeschooling Life #5

I’m back with another ‘This Homeschooling Life’ linky. December passed by in a blur, and was mainly taken up with Christmas… while the big kids still did their usual ‘school work’ for the first couple of weeks, I feel like we didn’t do much of anything else. In reality I know they did… they baked,...

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