Learning through games

Over the years of home-educating my five children, I’ve always looked for fun ways to teach and reinforce concepts. Children are much more receptive to learning when they are having fun, and when they are doing something practical to learn rather than just reading or filling in endless worksheets. My boys especially love playing computer...

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Fun Autumn Crafts for Kids

Autumn has fully arrived, and with the girls all back to Uni/College it’s just me and the boys at home most days. We’re finding a new home educating groove, changing things up to do what suits the boys best. We try and have a couple of days at home each week, so they can do...

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Watching them fly the nest

We spend the formative years of our children lives encouraging them to be independent, teaching them to be strong, self-reliant, dream big and set goals…. The downside to this is that one day, they grow wings and fly away. Last week, we packed up our car with endless boxes and bags, and I drove my...

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Fun at home ed camp

Finally sharing this here, for no reason other than I’m trying to get back into sharing more on my blog! I’ve been terrible for a long time at sharing bits of our life, and after doing some tidying up around here, I’ve remembered how nice it is to have snippets of our life on here...

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How To Make Learning Engaging For All Types of Learners      

Have you ever tried to teach your kid a new skill, only to have them completely zone out the first time you try? This happens with adults who are learning new skills, too! This is not an uncommon scenario because it’s especially hard for young learners to focus on what you are trying to show...

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