Year: 2017


Giveaway | Win a copy of Moana on DVD!

Have you watched Moana yet? I took my littlest three to watch it the other Sunday morning and we LOVED it! Seriously, so good… we’ve been singing the songs ever since! I can see it being one we watch over and over again! It tells of the journey of a lifetime with “Moana”, the sweeping...

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You are so loved

Dear Baya EIGHT! I can’t believe you’re eight already! My littlest lady, these years have flown by far too quickly. In my mind you’re still the toddler who used to love sitting on the kitchen counter, taking bites out of the block of cheese whilst I made dinner for you and your big sisters. You...

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Last minute Mothers Day ideas

If you’ve left it to the last minute, or have only just remembered it’s Mothers Day this weekend – I have a few last minute ideas for you! There is still time to grab something a little more special than a bunch of tulips from the supermarket. While a gift is a lovely way to...

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