Month: January 2016


Top tips on keeping your home warm

We spent the last six years living in an old, draughty house that was hard to keep warm. With only single glazed windows, old wooden doors and an ancient boiler – we were used to wearing twenty layers of clothing to keep warm! Thankfully, our new house is much warmer and a whole lot less...

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Making plans for a New Year

Happy 2016! Can you believe it’s another new Year already?! This past one flew by in a flurry of baby and house moving and it seems I hardly noticed it coming or going. 2015 was a great year, but I’m even more excited about 2016. I’ve been feeling the pull of setting a few goals...

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This Homeschooling Life #5

I’m back with another ‘This Homeschooling Life’ linky. December passed by in a blur, and was mainly taken up with Christmas… while the big kids still did their usual ‘school work’ for the first couple of weeks, I feel like we didn’t do much of anything else. In reality I know they did… they baked,...

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I’ve been debating the last few weeks whether or not to carry on with this… I’ve done two full years of weekly portraits of my kiddos and as much as I love them, there are times when it’s a pain trying to actually get a photo of everyone each week… so many times {including this...

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DC Super Friends Giveaway!

In the last few months, Baya has found a new love for superheroes – it makes a nice change from wanting everything to be Princesses! She’s been eagerly watching some superhero cartoons as well as reading some comics. One website she’s been enjoying is DC Kids – perfect if your kids are looking for as...

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