Top tips on keeping your home warm


We spent the last six years living in an old, draughty house that was hard to keep warm. With only single glazed windows, old wooden doors and an ancient boiler – we were used to wearing twenty layers of clothing to keep warm! Thankfully, our new house is much warmer and a whole lot less draughty! However, we have learnt some important lessons on keeping your home warm….

1. Get thick, heavy curtains at your windows – They will add an extra layer of protection over your windows and help keep heat in your home. You can buy insulated curtain linings to add to existing curtains instead of having to replace existing curtains.

2. Wrap up your water tank and insulate hot water – It will help to conserve heat and save you money. You can buy the materials you will need at a DIY store.

3. Consider Triple Glazing – double glazing is pretty standard these days, but triple glazing offers a greater insulation. Using the same principles as double glazing, triple glazing uses the insulating space between two panes of 4mm thick glass, separated by a strengthened central pane, to slow the escape of heat from a building. This helps to keep the property warmer for longer, without using any extra energy.

4. Buy some rugs – covering the floor with thick rugs will help to block air coming in through the floor, it will also help to keep everyone’s feet warm!

5. Keep radiators clear – don’t block them with furniture as this prevents much of the heat from heating the room – you don’t want to warm just the sofa!

6. Update your boiler. An energy efficient boiler worthwhile investment for your propert and can save you money on the cost of heating bills in the long term. While a new boiler can be expensive, why not investigate boiler finance to replace it now rather than waiting for your existing one to breakdown?

7. Stop the draughts – make sure all windows and doors seal properly to prevent warm air escaping. Fit draught excluders to any gaps to help cut your heating bills.

8. If you have cavity walls, make sure they are insulated. It will pay for itself after 3 or 4 years.

Do you have any other tips to help keep your home warm this winter?

1 Comment

  1. Musing Jules

    January 6, 2016 at 22:34

    Sometimes the measures you take depend on your available budget and whether you own your home. Some other options include:

    Putting foil on walls behind radiators, which reflects the heat back into the room (if you haven’t got cavity wall insulation).
    Using timers and radiator thermostats to heat only the rooms you need, at the temperature you need, for as long as you need.
    DIY Double glazing kits.

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